Friday, March 14, 2014

Jim Cogar, Interim Chair of the Gregg County Democratic Party

The filing deadline to serve as a candidate in the upcoming Democratic Party Primary Election was on March 4, 2014, and Jim Cogar ran unopposed for Chair of the Gregg County Democratic Party.  
Find out more about Jim, and his qualifications and goals for the GC Democratic Party.

Qualifications to be chair of the Gregg County Democratic Party
  • As a retiree, I am able and willing to devote the time, as well as the energy to serve the Democratic Party.
  • My 22 years’ experience in the U.S. Navy taught me the skills to lead, organize, and delegate so as to bring structure and efficiency to the GCDP.
  • As a former president of the Connecticut Soccer League, I have experience in dealing with a wide variety of interest, cultural, and social groups.
Goals as Chairman for the Gregg County Democratic Party
My goals as your Chairman are divided into three broad areas: Immediate (IG), Medium (MG), and Long Term (LTG). If allowed to serve as your Chairman, I will work to meet these and other goals and to serve the Democratic Party in Gregg County.
  • (IG) To recruit and fill the positions of precinct chairs in GCDP, to establish an involved, functional, and effective Executive Committee.
  • (IG) To audit and publish a complete analysis of the financial situation of the GCDP so that an effective budget can be set and followed. To find and recruit the position of Treasurer of the GCDP to ensure continuity for the future.
  • (IG) To continue the work of my predecessors in their efforts to keep the GCDP a visible and relevant voice in the politics and life in Gregg County
  • (IG,MG,LTG) To work to ensure that the GCDP is a stable, inclusive, and growing organization available to anyone who wishes to participate.
  • (LTG) To establish and maintain a sound and sustaining financial model such that the GCDP can support candidates for public office locally and nationally.
  • (IG) To update and expand our Media situation by maintaining the party’s web site, Facebook page, and to establish a blog. This will allow members to be kept aware of events, functions, and give all a place to exchange ideas and post comments. This may require a monthly cost to the GCDP.
  • (MG) To continue support for candidates competing in the 2014 election by working with OFA, Battleground Texas, and any other groups whose purpose is to register and turn out Democratic voters.
  • (MG) To form and support standing committees that will contribute to the above goals and to assist in the task of branding our party such that more of our fellow citizens are attracted to the GCDP.
  • (LTG) To establish a permanent and self-sufficient Headquarters for the GCDP that can be used for other events that may be held and so become a source of revenue.
  • (IG,MG,LTG) To begin and maintain an aggressive outreach effort to all groups in Gregg County to include women, youth, military, minority, and cultural.
I am always happy to discuss politics, Gregg County, Texas, or National; and available at any reasonable time.
I am looking forward to serving the Democratic Party interests in Gregg County and to serving to the best of my ability, each and every one of you. I look forward to meeting all the Democrats in the county and ask each of you for your support and participation.
Please feel free to contact me with any thoughts, suggestions, or questions by e-mail ( or you can always call me at 903-295-4040, preferably between the hours of 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. Volunteers are needed to be precinct chairs, to serve on committees and other activities as we prepare for the 2014 election.
Thank you all.
James L. Cogar

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