Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Letter from Leticia Van De Putte

A Letter from Leticia Van De Putte:

There’s a woman in Cleburne named Kathy. Every month, Kathy donates $7.50 to my campaign. You might be thinking, “What a specific amount...”

Well, that’s what I thought, too, until I realized: That’s what Kathy can do to support me and keep Texas strong.

I've set a goal to raise $25,000 by midnight on Saturday. Will you join Kathy and pledge to make a monthly donation of $7.50 or more today?

Kathy's $7.50 means the world to me, because I know that’s not just a donation—that’s an investment—in me, and in the future of Texas.

Texans who truly understand the importance of investing their time and their money in this campaign.
Donate $7.50 or more per month, and help us meet our May goal:

I know that your contribution shows your belief in me, my campaign, and our hopes for a better and stronger Texas.

With help from people like you and Kathy, we can win this election.

Muchísimas gracias,


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