Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Conventions are Over: How do the Platforms Compare?

The Conventions are over, and how do the two platforms compare?
Let's see how the Texas GOP compares with the Texas Dems...


Texas Republicans

the Voting Rights Act of 1965
the Voting Rights Act of 1965
to “cure” homosexuality
“reparative therapy” for LBBT Texans
Climate change is
Climate change is
welfare recipients
and hunger
the Department of Education
Education is
a guest worker program
comprehensive immigration reform
a woman’s right to choose,
even in cases of rape and incest.
women’s autonomy and rights
non-discrimination laws
against all forms of discrimination
Texas Schools
to Pre-K and Kindergarten
the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
of Texas Children

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Juneteenth and Gay Pride Events Highlight Freedom and Happiness

From the Left, by James L. Cogar

Yesterday, June 21st, I saw something in Longview I can't remember seeing before. I saw a level of happiness that exceeded any I have ever seen since arriving in East Texas 22 years ago.

As chair of the Gregg County Democratic Party, I attended two events. The first was the Juneteenth Celebration at Broughton Park and then went to Heritage Plaza to see the first Longview Gary Pride celebration. In many ways, both celebrations were similar. Each was a chance for participants to exhibit and display the joy of their culture and opportunity afforded to citizens of the United States to be who they are and share that joy with friends and loved ones. Each event was unique in that only in this country can such celebrations occur.

At Juneteenth, the park was filled with families commemorating the arrival in Texas of the news that
slavery had come to an end in our great state. Music, food, dress and dance were all on display as hundreds participated to mark the historic occasion. A great emancipation had taken place back in 1865, and descendants of those former slaves, both spiritual and actual, gathered to not only remember that day but to mark the progress that has occurred since. They not only used the day to celebrate the righting of a great wrong but to showcase the milestones that has taken place since. The pride and happiness was palatable and much deserved.

Later in the afternoon, I traveled just a few miles to downtown Longview and witnessed much of the same joy as our city hosted its first Gay Pride celebration. Once again, a segment of our society that has been subjected to discrimination and injustice was free to show the city the progress our nation has made and is continuing to make. People were free to express themselves as who they are and showcase their love for their partners. Supported by family and supporters, members of the LBGT community proudly proclaimed that emancipation from fear and ignorance was just around the corner, if not already here.

If you were there at either or both events, I know that you could see in the faces of all participants a sense of freedom that was almost palpable. Next year's Juneteenth and Gay Pride celebrations may not be on the same day, but it is my most fervent hope and prayer that each will be even more successful and joyous than this year's but that will be a tough act to follow.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Texas Democratic Party Offers Messaging Memo

Want to stay up to date on all the latest political news from the Texas Democratic Party?  You can have it sent to your email directly in English and Spanish is available.

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Sample Memo from May 31, 2014

                                                    Download the Messaging Memo in Spanish

Tea Party Tidal Wave

  • Republican Tea Party candidates across the board beat their opponents in the runoff races.
  • The story across Texas isn’t just that Tea Party candidates beat establishment candidates, but now it is more apparent than ever: the Tea Party is the Republican Party.
  • The days of a pragmatic Texas Republican Party are over. These Republican candidates across Texas are far more interested in rhetoric than solutions for Texas families.
  • A battle between the Tea Party and Texas Democrats provides a clear contrast. Our candidates believe in a better Texas; a Texas that’s about real life solutions and not political ideology.
  • That is why we are confident that this November, Texans will entrust Texas Democrats with the future of our state.

Leticia Van de Putte stands with Texas Business

  • Business Leaders are concerned that Tuesday’s results will push the Texas Senate further into Washington-style partisan, do-nothing politics.
  • Business leaders heard the hateful rhetoric that threatens trade with Mexico, our number one trading partner, and the jobs trade supports.
  • Texas - which brought in $280 billion in exports in 2013 - is the top exporting state in the nation, and that 52% of that very trade is with Latin America and Mexico.
  • Texans and business leaders want a lieutenant governor who is practical, not polarizing. Someone who cares about investing in our infrastructure, taking on the tough challenges, and doing our part for the next generation. That leader is Leticia Van de Putte.

Greg Abbott: Political Insider

  • Greg Abbott is just another insider working for other insiders and his own political donors, at the expense of hardworking Texans.
  • Greg Abbott's $20 Billion Bond Deal Scheme: The latest example of Abbott choosing to line the pockets of his political donors at the expense of hardworking Texans.
  • When it came time to approve bonds, Abbott gave the green light to $20 billion in deals while he collected almost $1 million in donations from law firms that made money off that bond work.
  • Cancer Research: While serving on the oversight committee of Texas’ cancer research center, Abbott’s political donors received $42 million in taxpayer funds - much of which with little or no oversight.
  • Payday Lending: Abbott accepted nearly $200,000 in donations from his buddies in the payday lending industry, as he allowed them to continue preying on military families.