Saturday, June 7, 2014

Texas Democratic Party Offers Messaging Memo

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Sample Memo from May 31, 2014

                                                    Download the Messaging Memo in Spanish

Tea Party Tidal Wave

  • Republican Tea Party candidates across the board beat their opponents in the runoff races.
  • The story across Texas isn’t just that Tea Party candidates beat establishment candidates, but now it is more apparent than ever: the Tea Party is the Republican Party.
  • The days of a pragmatic Texas Republican Party are over. These Republican candidates across Texas are far more interested in rhetoric than solutions for Texas families.
  • A battle between the Tea Party and Texas Democrats provides a clear contrast. Our candidates believe in a better Texas; a Texas that’s about real life solutions and not political ideology.
  • That is why we are confident that this November, Texans will entrust Texas Democrats with the future of our state.

Leticia Van de Putte stands with Texas Business

  • Business Leaders are concerned that Tuesday’s results will push the Texas Senate further into Washington-style partisan, do-nothing politics.
  • Business leaders heard the hateful rhetoric that threatens trade with Mexico, our number one trading partner, and the jobs trade supports.
  • Texas - which brought in $280 billion in exports in 2013 - is the top exporting state in the nation, and that 52% of that very trade is with Latin America and Mexico.
  • Texans and business leaders want a lieutenant governor who is practical, not polarizing. Someone who cares about investing in our infrastructure, taking on the tough challenges, and doing our part for the next generation. That leader is Leticia Van de Putte.

Greg Abbott: Political Insider

  • Greg Abbott is just another insider working for other insiders and his own political donors, at the expense of hardworking Texans.
  • Greg Abbott's $20 Billion Bond Deal Scheme: The latest example of Abbott choosing to line the pockets of his political donors at the expense of hardworking Texans.
  • When it came time to approve bonds, Abbott gave the green light to $20 billion in deals while he collected almost $1 million in donations from law firms that made money off that bond work.
  • Cancer Research: While serving on the oversight committee of Texas’ cancer research center, Abbott’s political donors received $42 million in taxpayer funds - much of which with little or no oversight.
  • Payday Lending: Abbott accepted nearly $200,000 in donations from his buddies in the payday lending industry, as he allowed them to continue preying on military families.

Texas Democratic Party Headlines

Texas Democrats Invite Log Cabin Republicans to Convention
Thursday, Log Cabin Republicans stated they had been denied a booth at the Texas State Republican Convention exhibit hall due to language in the Republican Party platform regarding sexual orientation. Read More. 
Texas Democrats Celebrate the Passage of Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance
Wednesday, the City of Houston passed the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) which extends the city’s ban on discrimination to include protections for gay, lesbian, and transgendered citizens in housing and employment situations.Read More. 
The Tea Party is the Texas Republican Party
Tuesday night, Republican Tea Party candidates across the board beat their opponents in the runoff races. Even U.S. Congressman Ralph Hall, a World War II veteran, became the first incumbent in Congress to lose his primary to a Tea Party challenger in 2014. Read More. 

Texas Democrats on Republican Nominee for State Senate District 10
Tuesday night, Konni Burton was declared the Republican nominee for State Senate District 10. Burton will face Democrat Libby Willis in November. Read More. 
Texas Democrats on Republican Nominee for the 23rd Congressional District
Tuesday night, Will Hurd was declared the Republican nominee for the 23rd Congressional District and will face Democratic Congressman Pete Gallego in November. Read More. 
Texans Need a Public Advocate at the Railroad Commission
Tuesday night, Ryan Sitton was declared the Republican nominee for Texas Railroad Commissioner. Sitton will face Steve Brown, Democratic nominee for Railroad Commission in November. Read More.

Texas Democrats Congratulate Dr. David Alameel, Democratic Nominee for U.S. Senate
Tuesday night, Dr. David Alameel won the runoff election and sealed the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate. Read More.

Texas Democrats on Ken Paxton, the Republican Nominee for Attorney General
Tuesday night, Sen. Ken Paxton defeated Rep. Dan Branch in a run-off for the Republican nomination for Texas Attorney General. Read More.

Texas Democrats on the Lt. Governor Race
Tuesday night, Dan Patrick was declared the Republican nominee for Texas Lieutenant Governor. Read More.

Texas Democrats on Mayor Julián Castro’s Presidential Cabinet Nomination
Today, President Barack Obama announced the nomination of San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro for secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).Read More.

There is no Republican Party in Texas
It’s a tea party takeover. Read More.

2016 Trip Advisor: Rick Perry’s New Club
Rick Perry was in Cedar Rapids touring the manufacturing facility of Master Tool and Manufacturing alongside Matt Whitaker, a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Iowa. Read More. 

Democrats Working Hard to Get Out the Vote
Earlier this month, the Texas Democratic Party put on a two-day training session for Texas candidates. Read More. 
Social Media Language
  • Why Texas Democrats won the primary vote: 
  • "The Republican base gets whiter, older and more male, while the big urban counties get more and more not."
  • "It was far easier [for the @TexasGOP] to kick the president than discuss actual Texas issues."
  • "Hard-working Latinos resent being portrayed as enemy invaders, no matter how many generations they have been here." 
  • .@leticiavdp understands the needs of small businesses and entrepreneurs. She fights for small businesses #TeamLVP
  • .@leticiavdp = the only candidate for LtGov who believes in problem solving over partisanship. Clear choice in Nov. #TeamLVP 
  • .@leticiavdp's strong record fighting for vets, small biz, protection of taxpayers & property owners speaks for itself. #TeamLVP
  • TX's LtGov should believe in making #HigherEd affordable. An educated workforce = a strong economy. @leticiavdp is the clear choice. #TeamLVP
  • Communities in TX are days away from running out of water. Our next LtGov @leticiavdp believes water infrastructure is a priority #TeamLVP
  • Investing in TX students, schools & in teachers will strengthen our economy. That is why @leticiaVDP is the clear choice for LtGov #TeamLVP
  • Actions > words. @leticiavdp is pro-economic growth and pro-local schools. #TeamLVP
  • TX deserves a leader who will put TX families first, not Washington-style politics. Keep Texas strong. #TeamLVP

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